Buttercups Nursery School was registered in 1998, and has been in its current premises since 2002. It is a privately owned, family run nursery that is situated in the Community Centre in Whiteley, Fareham. The nursery serves children from the local community and surrounding areas, and has systems in place to support children with learning difficulties and/or disabilities, and those who have English as an additional language.
Contact: Hazel Scott
Buttercups Nursery School Ltd
Gull Coppice, Whiteley, Fareham PO15 7LA
Tel: 01489 881802
Local Authority: Hampshire County Council
Number of other staff: 6
Service Offered: Day Nursery (Privately Owned), Open all year
Total Places for Children: 24
Age Range: from 2 years 9 months to 5 years 0 months
Opening Days: Mon-Fri
Opening Hours: 0800-1800
When Closed: 1 Week @ Easter & 1 Week @ Christmas